Witty Staking Admin

These are the admin functions

1. Function Name: addStakingPlan

Create new staking plans

Expected Parameter:

  1. uint planId

  2. bytes planName

  3. uint stakingAmountUsd

  4. uint roi

  5. bool isActive

Return Value


2. Function Name: createIncentivePeriod

Create new incentive Periods

Expected Parameter

  1. startTime

  2. endTime

  3. incentiveAmount

  4. maxClaimants

  5. bool SpecialRecipients

Return Value


3. Function Name: setRequirements

Set the static value for the requiremets

Expected Parameter

  1. address busd

  2. address witty

  3. address router

  4. address stakerCollector

  5. address rewardWallet

  6. address dexContract

  7. uint tradingProfitPercent

Return Value


4. Function Name: setScale

set the scale for price division

Expected Parameter

  1. uint scaleAmount

Return Value


5. Function Name: setAdminStakingWallet

Sets admin staking wallet

Expected Parameter

  1. address of admin wallet

Return Value


6. Function Name: setLockStatus

Sets contract lock status

Expected Parameter

  1. bool value

Return Value


7. Function Name: setPlanActiveStatus

Sets plan active status

Expected Parameter

  1. uint planId

  2. bool isActive

Return Value


8. Function Name: setSpecialIncentiveReceipients

Sets an array of special incentive receipients

Expected Parameter

  1. uint incentiveId

  2. address array of reciepients

Return Value


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